Two hours (and change) late…

May 19, 2011 § Leave a comment

I’ve finally gotten the detailed outline for the epic fantasy out of my head and started on a military SF manuscript… when an IRC acquaintance reminded me of Strange Horizons. It’s an e-zine which pays well enough to qualify for SFWA to consider them a “professional” market. And while that’s really nifty, the fact that they pay 7¢ per word and promise a definate response within 70 days (as opposed to the average 6-7 months for print anthologies) strikes me as being even more important in these uncertain economic times.

So I set aside the military SF to dust off some notes for short stories that have been sitting on the back burners for a long while.

I managed a bit over 2k words today on a story (tentitively) titled, “Anger Management”. I hope to pound out 7-8k more in the morning, finishing off the rough draft. If things go smoothly during the initial self-edit, I hope to have a manuscript off to them by the weekend.

Also, looking through my folder of BBSS (Back-Burner Short-Stories), I realized how many ideas have been languishing. Hopefully I’ll be able to maintain my motivation enough to finish some more next week and get them off to some anthologies and maybe even the Writers of the Future contest.

I think that’s more than enough blather for one night. Especially for a first post.

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